For archiving a work of the artist and for his publication in the Catalogue Raisonné the owner must send to the Archive:
- the work record compiled (PDF attached below);
- two photographic prints on paper of the front of the work in black and white, recent and of good quality, size 18 x 24 cm;
- one photographic print on paper in black and white of the back of the work;
- one color reproduction of the front of the work (color photos or digital format, 20 cm base, 300 dpi resolution).
After submitting the information and materials above the Archive will proceed to do a first examination of the work based on comparisons and tests with documents stored
in the Archive.
If the Archive deemed necessary the owner (or person authorized by him) will be invited to bring the work at the Archive for a direct examination by consultants of the Archive.
The storage of the works is free of charge. Only the sending of the material described above is charged at the owner.
One of the two prints in B/W of the front of the work will be returned - in a single copy -
to the owner with the archive number.
In the event of a sale, public or private, the archive is available to collectors to verify if the works have already been archived.
We would be very grateful if the new owners want to get in touch with us, so we can keep up to date the history of the works and
possibly to agree with them on the terms on which
appear in the Catalogue Raisonnéin preparation.
The Gastone Novelli Archive guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data in
concordance with the Privacy Code in force, will not provide it to any third party and provide for their deletion or amendment if the applicant so requests.
The request may be sent via e-mail at or by ordinary mail on the contacts page.